Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maze construction nears completion

Maze construction nears completion

Submitted Photo
Construction of the maze. " class="thickbox" rel="gallery">
Submitted Photo
Construction of the maze.
published: May 24 2010 10:10 AM updated:: May 24 2010 10:13 AM
Gatlinburg - Ober Gatlinburg's newest attraction, a 4600 sq. foot Amaze'n Maze, is scheduled to open for their guests on Memorial
The maze, with all its twists, turns and dead-ends, is more than just getting lost.
All ages can sharpen their navigational skills while competing against their family, friends and the clock.
Upon entering the maze, each guest will be issued a passport which they stamp at checkpoints as they work their way to the exit and clock their time.
The maze is being constructed by Greg Gallavan with Amaze'n Mazes of Winter Park, Colorado, and is one of only 30 installed in the United States, Canada and Spain.
Until 1996, mazes were typically made of wood until Gallavan developed plastic panels for a maze he installed in Steamboat Springs, Colo. The lightweight panels were more durable than wood and could be customized with different colors and logos. One year later, Gallavan introduced his first all-plastic maze.
Earlier this spring, Ober Gatlinburg added an indoor carousel. Other activities include the 120 passenger Aerial Tramway, Wildlife Encounter, indoor ice rink, Alpine Slide, scenic chairlift, three water raft rides, shops, restaurant and lounge.
This past winter, Ober Gatlinburg experienced a record-breaking ski season with 100 days of skiing and snowboarding due to the 50-plus inches of natural snowfall and colder than normal temperatures.
For more information, call 1-800-251-9202 or go to obergatlinburg.com.

Maze of Monkey Illusion - 2009 By Yonatan Frimer
Optical illusion maze caused by conflicting horizontal and vertical lines.

maze of monkey illusion medium InkBlotMazes Ink Blot Mazes, By Yonatan Frimer, your humble maze artist
Maze just for you, created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoons for publication, by Yonatan Frimer, Maze Designer

For immediate release -

May 24th, 2010 -

The link below contains 5 (five) editorial cartoons


This week, the cartoon topics are:
* Obama's poor poll ratings.
* Financial reform effect on jobs.
* Gulf oil spill effect on oil's business environment.
* Obama administration's modus operandi.
* Times square bomber causes over-reaction.

Again, you can access these cartoons at http://teamofmonkeys.com/press

Hope you've enjoyed this weeks cartoons. More to follow next week! If you need a cartoonist at your paper, look no further, Yonatan Frimer is available for freelance, contact details below.

Contact: Yonatan Frimer
Phone: +972-545-683-040
email: yfrimer@yahoo.com
URL for this weeks cartoons: http://teamofmonkeys.com/press

All Yonatan Frimer cartoons are also mazes. you are permitted to print or publish on-line in any of your publications:


Released Monday, May 24th, 2010

You may print or publish any of these cartoons.

  • Each of these cartoons is also a maze, entrance/exits marked by arrows.
  • Links to printable version and the solutions are under each cartoon.
  • Please attribute to Yonatan Frimer and RSL.
  • Yonatan Frimer is available for hire as a freelance cartoonist, fore more info click here.

Maze Cartoon Obama sleeping and ignoring the polls:Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon
Editorial cartoon maze of President Obama sleeping as a hot cup of coffee marked "Polls" is next to him and a caption that reads, "Wake up and smell the....." Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of your job on drugs, I mean financial reform:This is your brain on financial reform
Editorial Cartoon maze poking fun at the 1987 commercial "This is your brain on drugs" by making the egg "jobs" and the frying pan is financial reform. Any questions? Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon Oil Growing on Trees:
Oil growing on trees getting harmed by BP oil disaster, by Yonatan Frimer maze cartoon, political maze
Editorial cartoon maze of a tree that grows oil, and a hard hat worker tells a suit that "This kind of tree won't survive if that oil slick damages the environment" Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of all of Obama's eggs in the wrong basket:
All the eggs in the wrong basket
Editorial Cartoon maze on the Obama Administration's modus operandi of putting all their eggs in the "Campaign Promises" basket and none in the "Strategic Decision" basket. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

****Advertisement: Check out some cool maze art ****

Maze Cartoon of a ticking bum in Times Square:
Ticking bum in times square - maze cartoon
Editorial cartoon maze of a cop calling off an alarm because it's just a "Ticking bum" not a ticking bomb. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

*Full Stop*

To contact the artist, Yonatan Frimer, please email yfrimer@yahoo.com
To order prints-on-demand of these cartoons and other mazes for your offices, please click here.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

stocks effected by human error, cartoon maze

Maze Cartoon - Effects of Human Error on Stock Market

human error in stock market maze cartoon

Maze cartoon editorial showcasing how stocks are effected by human error, buy having a bull represent stocks and a cowboy wrangling him to represent human error.
Random Maze >>

Maze Topic in the news

Sharp stock market drop likely human, computer error

By Lucas Mearian

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted almost 1,000 points in a half-hour today, the cause of which appears to be human error exacerbated by a market made more volatile by high-speed trades and automatic sale orders that are measured in milliseconds.

Sources said a trader attempting to short-sell 16 million shares of S&P 500 stock, possibly involving Proctor & Gamble profits, entered a "b" for billion instead of an "m" for million. That error sent high frequency traders scurrying, causing liquidity to vanish.

The Dow fell as low as 9,867 points from its previous day's close of 10,868 before rebounding to 10,464 points by the close of the market today.

Chris Nagy, managing director of order routing strategy at TD Ameritrade, was moderating a panel on market structure at a trade operations conference at about 2 p.m. EST, when he was notified of the market drop.

"It seemed a little suspicious at the time. That's our conclusion," Nagy said. "But we've warned the SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] of a lot of the problems created with some of the high-frequency trading in the marketplace."

"When you have some algorithmic error, which this is appearing to be, the impact of that trade caused the pricing in the markets to collapse," Nagy continued.

For example, Nagy said some of TD Ameritrade's client orders, where the normal price of the stock was $60, received trade fulfillments at .11 cents.

In another example, The Wall Street Journal's MarketBeat blog reported one stock price on Accenture's platform plummeted from over $40 at 2:47 p.m. to $.01 at 2:48 p.m. today.

"So clearly there was a flaw in the system and there were some algorithmic events that triggered a much more cataclysmic event in the marketplace," Nagy said.

At the time of the drop, the Dow had already dipped about 300 points due in large measure to....(Click here to read the rest of the article)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Maze Cartoon on theory by Albert Einstein on World War Three and Four

Einstein's Theory of Warmaze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimer
Editorial Cartoon Maze on Einstein's Theory that World War 4 will be fought with sticks. In the foreground an HTV-2 rocket flies off, a weapon that is intended to replace the atomic bomb.
Click here for the maze in larger, printable format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Maze cartoon of Obama's camaign promise of "Change" By Yonatan Frimer

The Promise from Obama Maze

maze of obama change
Editoral Cartoon Maze in Larger and Printable Format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution
Editorial Maze Cartoon "Obama's change"

Next Maze >>

Maze Cartoon topic in the news:

GDP grew by 3.2 percent in first quarter

By Ian Swanson - 04/30/10 09:18 AM ET

The nation’s gross domestic product increased 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2010, bolstering the Obama administration’s arguments that the economy is improving.

The jump in GDP was lower that the 5.6 percent increase registered in the last quarter of 2009, but still represents significant economic growth. It’s the third quarter in a row that the U.S. economy has expanded.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to make a statement on the figures from the Rose Garden on Friday morning. (Read More)

For more Yonatan Frimer mazes, visit:
Team Of Monkeys daily maze update
Ink Blot Mazes - Maze art
Buy maze art by Yonatan Frimer